Swarovski 5810 Crystal Round Pearl - Page 3

In light of an unforeseen surge in demand for Swarovski Crystal Pearls, we regret to inform you that delivery schedules have been extended. As it stands, the earliest delivery window is now slated for 2024, and for our 2mm round 5810 pearls, the timeline extends to 2025. Despite this delay, we are continuing to accept orders, catering to those who wish to secure their purchases for delivery within the revised 2024 and 2025 timelines. Your patience and comprehension during this period are highly appreciated.

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  1. SKU
  2. 5586599
  3. 5462589
  4. 1059404
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  26. 258151
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  46. 697942
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  57. 5003350
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  60. 5392807
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  62. 258152
  63. 264916
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  67. 626417
  68. 258153
  69. 258154
  70. 257617
  71. 244366
  72. 5495275
  73. 5523457
  74. 264872
  75. 1169550
  76. 5293201
  77. 5595910
  78. 5419859
  79. 5554904
  80. 5554905
  81. 5067399
  82. 5293132
  83. 5595895
  84. 5125729
  85. 5271770
  86. 5586601
  87. 5462591
  88. 1059407
  89. 630582
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  91. 244365
  92. 675195
  93. 5523439
  94. 849998
  95. 860216
  96. 626418
  97. 5228492

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